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The Place of the Word (I)

Apr. 08, 2023 .3 min read

What is the place of God’s word in any life?

Faith empowers us to see that the universe was created and beautifully coordinated by the power of God’s words! He spoke and the invisible realm gave birth to all that is seen. Hebrews 11:3

One thing that the universe has come to confirm over and over is that the environment of something/someone determines their existence or the extent to which they can go.

Now, there are environments common to all and those specific to people. Either way, it takes careful attention to first acknowledge and then appropriate whatever environment one finds himself/herself in so as to be able to harness the good, if not one surrender to be a victim of the bad.

Summary: Life is Intentional! There is no staying on the fence. Your choosing to do nothing is still a choice and the consequences abound. So, there is really no “what will be, will be”… It is what you have decided (through action/inaction) that will eventually be.

If the purpose of a thing will be known and maximised, then the creator of that thing has to be contacted or his writings/speakings engaged. The same applies to this world we live in. Your life, family, purpose,  career, etc is not for outside this world or eternity. It is for now, right here in this world we’re in.

So, how do we get to do these things right, living life to the fullest, overcoming challenges, etc.? We MUST engage the Word of God.

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. Gen. 1:1

What was the material used in creating? The Word!!! Gen.1, Heb. 11:3

He spoke and the invisible realm gave birth to all that is seen. Nothing seen was made by what was seen. Therefore, it will be foolhardy of us to focus on the seen (the fruits) when we have the roots (the unseen) to attend to/deal with. The spiritual controls the physical!

Your engagement with the Word of God will determine how much you can engage the unseen to dictate your seen realities.

Two things the Word of God is for:

  1. To understand what exists, and
  2. To bring to bear what should exist. (Reread these)

What do you know about your current environment and your own life? What has been programmed into your family before you came? It is the Word of God that will open the hidden things to you. Ask me and I will tell you some remarkable secrets about what is going to happen here. Jer. 33:3

Are the realities you’re seeing what you desire? It is from knowing what God has said (His Words) that you’ll be able to, together with God in prayer, enforce His words against the twists that the enemy may have orchestrated already.

How will you engage the Word of God today, and daily???

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